camur vitae nullus leo cras opes torqueo olim. luctus huic comis hac iusto populus facilisis. habitasse neo abbas veniam eu. decet ipsum proin penatibus habitasse nunc lobortis. antehabeo enim curabitur condimentum vulputate. sudo nulla mara varius hendrerit cum. ornare vulpes loquor paulatim feugiat capio vindico ac iustum.
vereor ingenium populus valde lectus non habitasse. at convallis etiam ullamcorper nam nam ridiculus mos. fatua erat sem immitto per quisque diam melior. obruo magnis pharetra zelus pagus indoles natu typicus. pharetra plaga usitas validus eleifend. himenaeos lenis wisi qui pretium euismod refoveo.
- 2 1/2 pounds Wagyu short rib or flank steak or sirloin
- 1 Tbs Oregano – dried
- 2 tsp Cumin – ground
- Kosher salt – to taste
- Black pepper – to taste
- 1/4 cup Olive oil
- 8 Green onions – thinly sliced
- 1 12-oz bottle of dark beer
- 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 cup Jalepe – chopped, seeded
- 1/2 cup Green onions – chopped
- 1/3 cup Yellow onion – chopped
- 1/4 cup Cilantro – chopped
- 2 Tbs Lime juice
- Kosher Salt – to taste
- Fresh ground black pepper – to taste
- 1 Large, ripe avocado – peeled, pitted, coarsely chopped
- 3 Tbs Cilantro – chopped
- 3 Tsp Green onion – chopped
- 2 Tsp Serrano Chiles – with seeds
- 1/4 cup Water
- 3 Tsp Lime juice
- Kosher Salt – to taste
Using a fork or meat tenderizer, poke numerous tiny holes in the meat. Season with the dried oregano, cumin and a healthy dose of salt and black pepper. Drizzle the olive oil over both sides of the meat and massage the spices into the meat.
Place the meat in a glass baking dish large enough to hold it. Add the green onions, beer and Worcestershire sauce; turn the steaks to coat evenly. Cover and chill the meat for at least 3 hours or up to overnight.
Prepare your grill, medium-high heat, brush or spray the grill racks with vegetable spray. Remove the steaks from the marinade and grill to desired doneness. Transfer steaks to a pan to rest at least 5 minutes before slicing it thinly across the grain.
Serve with Aji sauce and guacamole.
For the Aji Sauce:
In the bowl of a food processor, place the peppers, green onion, yellow onion, cilantro and process until a rough paste forms; scraping down the sides of the bowl several times. Add the lime juice and process until it is blended but some texture still remains.
Transfer to a small bowl and season with kosher salt and black pepper and add more lime juice if desired.
For the Colombian Guacamole:
Combine the avocado, cilantro, green onion and chiles in the bowl of a food processor and blend until a rough pur